Vol 17, No 100
July 8, 2015
AB’s Top 2 Execs Working on Wholesaler Deals Will Depart, Form Own Firm; Deal Pace Pickin’ Up
Two more longtime AB vets, Randy Jozwiakowski veep of wholesaler development and Mark Hall sr director of wholesaler M&A will leave AB at end of Aug. On Sep 1, they start new co they formed, Paragon Bev Advisers LLC, a “beverage M&A and consulting company,” Randy sez. The departure of these experienced and well-regarded execs leaves a knowledge “gap” at AB, just at time when deal pace is picking up.
“We are disappointed that Randy and Mark will be leaving the company,” said Ricardo Melo, AB veep of sales strategy and wholesaler development, “but respect their decision and are grateful they will be staying on through August to ensure a smooth transition.” During his 16 yrs at AB, Randy worked on deals worth over $1 bil, including buying and selling lotsa branches and brands. Mark, with AB for 13 yrs, led wholesaler M&A group since 2009, including managing “supplier change in ownership approval process for AB.”